

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Boulevard of Broken Dreams

I walk alone. I walk alone. Always alone. People move and talk and walk around me, yet I'm alone. Nothing is the background. Just DARKNESS, a darkness that has no sound, no sight, nothing. Not even the sound of my footsteps pierce through the nothingness of darkness that I am continually walking thorough. Others on the OUTSIDE can hear, can see, can smell, can touch... but that's their world not mine. They don't notice the world I'm in the silent world. They are only focused on their own happy world full of laughter. Not the darkness. Yet, still I am waiting.... continually waiting for the one someone that can break through this darkness, that will bring me the one light I am searching for.... I am still walking. Alone.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Wondering of Change

I'm Thinking About You

I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you like books think about readers. Like rain thinks about falling. Like ice cream thinks about the cherry on top. I'm thinking about you like flowers think about growing. Like rivers think about flowing. Like fishermen think about... catching fish. I'm thinking about you like anger thinks about pain. Like love thinks about happiness. Like guilt thinks about forgiveness. I'm thinking about you like hearts think about beating. Like one thinks about two. Like couples think about kids. Like friends think about fun. Like wolves think about surviving. I'm thinking about you like instruments think about music. Like singers think about breathing. Like smokers think about quitting. I'm thinking about you like mothers think about lost children. Like Dads think about lecturing. Like authors think about writing. I'm thinking about you always.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Direct Orders

You are under direct orders to Rock Out. Rock out like a person who decides it's okay to be happy. Rock out like a person doing the happy dance. Rock out like the feeling of living life to the fullest.Rock out like sugar and spice. Rock out like the phases of the moon. Rock out while singing in the shower. Rock out like a crazy time with friends who don't even know where they're going in life. Rock out like it's graduation day and you know you deserve to be there 'cause it's time to be less serious before you go to college. Rock out like a college student. Rock out like you've just been liberated from a WWII concentration camp. Rock out like you know your having fun with your friends. Rock out.