

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Direct Orders

You are under direct orders to Rock Out. Rock out like a person who decides it's okay to be happy. Rock out like a person doing the happy dance. Rock out like the feeling of living life to the fullest.Rock out like sugar and spice. Rock out like the phases of the moon. Rock out while singing in the shower. Rock out like a crazy time with friends who don't even know where they're going in life. Rock out like it's graduation day and you know you deserve to be there 'cause it's time to be less serious before you go to college. Rock out like a college student. Rock out like you've just been liberated from a WWII concentration camp. Rock out like you know your having fun with your friends. Rock out.


  1. Nice twist in there when you mentioned the concentration camp.

  2. I thought your "Rock out like the phases of the moon", was really cool!

  3. I liked the line, "Rock out like you've just been liberated from a WWII concentration camp." I also liked how you mixed serious lines with more fun ones.
