This is for the outcasts.
For the girls who never knew he was a jerk.
For the boys who never tried to stop when she said no.
For the babies who don't know a word yet are understood.
For the little boy that fell from a tree and never got up.
Love them.
This is for those who just stand against a brick wall never moving.
For those who never will be able to speak, or hear, or see.
For those who will never be able to feel the grass under their feet, or be able to run through the fields.
Love them.
This is for those who had a home but will never have one again.
For those children who will never have a full stomach.
For the fun-loving people who can't get enough fun.
Love them.
For if you love them and grasp them and serve them, they will become a lot more closer to you.
For your heart will expand to love those around you.
Your enemies will become someone that you once hated but now you pity them for now you see why they are your enemy.
By loving everyone the world will grow so much kinder and fill the world with a love that no one may understand and they will have peace.
Don't let anyone get in your way of loving them for by loving others their comes a time when the toleration of that person becomes love too.
So all I can give all those around me is kindness and to,
Love them.