

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Angel Parents

I know those parents who have lost children may be saddened... but I know that they are definitely angel parents for they have their kids in heaven watching over them and all the other siblings that they may have. Although I haven't become a parent yet I still understand the loss of children by watching my sister-in-law lose her first baby girl full term...and my own parents lost their first son at 4 yrs of age. Everyone encounters loss but this is for the angel parents... cause they have their special children waiting for them in heaven and watching over them and maybe their other siblings. So for all those angel parents out there I say thank you for everything you've done even if you have a sweet child in heaven you still are a parent at heart and nothing can ever change that. :D I also pray for the safety of the next child you all have for they are precious too and will definitely need your love even if you lose them you'll still have that angel child watch over you. :D  Thanks for everything angel parents. :D